Jordan Comeaux @ThePivotsXXD

Age 29, Male


That place...

Joined on 2/5/10

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ThePivotsXXD's News

Posted by ThePivotsXXD - December 7th, 2015

Here have my Game Grumps animated I did for their channel last month.



Posted by ThePivotsXXD - November 12th, 2015

Posted by ThePivotsXXD - November 4th, 2015

Come join the party!


Posted by ThePivotsXXD - November 3rd, 2015

Come watch me animate some Game Grumps toons! 


Posted by ThePivotsXXD - October 26th, 2015

Hey fellas! Long time no see. I've been working my butt off for the last 3 months. I'm working on about 4 things at once. I'll go in full depth about each project, and hopefully you all will get as excited as I am! I'll attach images to this post so you guys can get a quick glimpse of what's to come.

First off, last month I made a Game Grumps Animated and I've been trying to get a hold of Arin for it to go up on the official Game Grumps channel. Well he finally got a hold of me, and I'll give you fellas the details later. I'm going to be making a few more Game Grumps Animated since they're easy to make and honestly pretty fun. They make good practice too. The one I'm working on now is about 1:30 minutes long.


Secondly, I'm working on another Nuclear Bubblewrap music video. Well I'm actually working on two! More about the second one in the next section. This music video is about an animation becoming self aware, and looking to his animator as an all mighty being. It will be a mixture of Animation and Live Action. Maybe. It's a little over 3 minutes long.

Third! The other music video! This one is actually a collaboration between Robert Parker and I. He's very talented and I'm glad I'm getting to work with him. The song is Star Wars themed and will hopefully be coming out around the time Star Wars 7 comes out. It's about 4:30 minutes long.


Finally, my new series. I haven't really announced this yet. I've been working on this for well over a year now. It's a reboot of an old series I made back in 2011 and is titled "BPTV" That's literally all I can give out right now. I'm only working on a Pilot right now and I'm aiming to get it out around the start of 2016. It's a little over 4 minutes long.


Hope you guys actually took the time to read this, and if so THANK YOU! Get ready!

Game Grumps Animated
Two music videos
BPTV Pilot soon

Posted by ThePivotsXXD - September 27th, 2015

Woah, I just reached 800 fans! Thank you guys so much <3 New stuff coming soon I promise! It's just taking me a bit. Be patient sweeties 3189962_144332722972_PILOT_1.png

Posted by ThePivotsXXD - August 31st, 2015



Look here's some animation for you. Sorry for the lack of updates, these past few weeks have been very crazy. I'm dealing with paying off my last semester of school and trying to register, and on top of all of that stress my grandfather passed away and I wasn't able to go to the funeral. Now it's my birthday tomorrow. Anyways here's something I did today for the pilot, hope you guys like it!

There were 2 previous updates for this project on my Patreon, but for Patrons only! Sorry fellas. 


Posted by ThePivotsXXD - August 10th, 2015

Hello fellas. I'm in need of a voice actor, and i need one really really soon. Like, today soon. This voice will be one of the main characters in my new series titled "BPTV." The character is named Berry, attached is concept art of him. The voice is silly and sort of high pitched in a way, and raspy as well. The original voice actor was Stamper but he's going through too many personal things at the moment and I don't want to put this on his shoulders. Try out something similar to his voice, or try something you come up with. I really need a voice actor TODAY!!!

If you audition for this role, be prepared, I plan on taking this series far and you will be playing a main character. Also if you audition you'll need these things:
1. A decent Microphone (Blue Snowball or better)
2. A good recording setup (No background noise please)
3. Be decent at acting (I don't want you just talking, I want you acting!)

Here are 2 lines that cover this character pretty well. I would like for you to send me a small clip of you voicing this character.

1. "Hey brother! What's for breakfast this fine morning?"
2. "Aww man... that sucks, I wish I could help, but I'm not into that stuff."

Please email these clips, along with your full name and username to my email - jordanxdcomeaux@gmail.com

I will announce who the voice actor is tomorrow! HURRY HURRY HURRY HURRY


Posted by ThePivotsXXD - July 13th, 2015

I made a patreon so I can pay my voice actors, writers, and any animators I might need in the future. Please feel free to donate! If you can't donate it's no big deal, having you guys is more than enough support already!




Posted by ThePivotsXXD - July 6th, 2015

Fucking finally I can sleep.
